LabVIEW 3D Picture Control Evaluation Software Discussion
(too old to reply)
2005-09-26 15:10:40 UTC
i have been playing aorund with this toolkit for a bit. i'm trying to
create a transparent cylinder, such that i can see the other figure
that is inside.
i'm basically trying to recreate a chemical reactor, for which the level can vary.
everytime i select the option transparent in the color palette, my cylinder ends up being black.
any ideas on how to do this.

2006-08-16 15:40:08 UTC
The propganda for LV 8.20 and the 3D picture says " ... take advatage of hardware acceleration..."
1) Has anyone tried out the 3-D picture control in LV 8.20?
2) Has the performance improved?
3) Has the documentation been improved?
4) Can we use custom skins and lighting now?
5) Can we do pictures larger than 512 X 512?
Thanks for you replies!
2006-08-16 17:40:11 UTC
Have a look at this pic of the scene example from 8.20
<img style="WIDTH: 1015px; HEIGHT: 360px" height="579 src= Loading Image..." width="833"> Message Edited by Jhoskins on 08-16-2006 01:36 PM

chilly charly
2006-08-29 07:40:08 UTC
I'm just beginning to play with the new 3D picture tools. Nice improvements over the previous version, and some of my hotest problems, such as texture mapping, seems to be adressed. I even bought a new video card to take plain advantage of the new tools !
Some questions though :
What should be the best approach to reproduce some of the 3D graph (activeX) functionnalities ?&nbsp;I have in mind two critical applications :
- how to create a&nbsp;parametric plot (for instance to draw a torus or a pipe) ?
- how to draw a height field using randomly placed vertices ? I have such a 32000 points surface that rotates nicely using the 3D graph. The only solution I found was to interpolate the surface to create a rectangular mesh. Unfortunately, in order to see all the surface details, I have to use a 1000x1000 mesh, and the rotation of this&nbsp;one million points surface is MUCH slower on the 3D graph.
chilly charly
2006-08-30 01:10:08 UTC
Ben a écrit: ...I'm still curious about the 32000 point surface plot you had mentioned quite a while ago. What made you go with interpolation into a 1000 X 1000 mesh?

Some pictures will be much better that a long explanation.
I would like to combine a 3D&nbsp;cave survey&nbsp;with a 3D model of the ground surface. Everything is "nearly" allright using the 3D activeX graph, except...1/ it does not work on MacIntosh :(2/ it does not accept texture mapping (no way to display either the topographic map or an aerial photo) :(3/ I still have a lot of work to do before&nbsp;being satisfied&nbsp;:( :(
The attached picture crops enlarged portions of a ground surface that show the difficulty of using a square mesh elevation instead of a random triangular mesh. The first picture on the&nbsp;left&nbsp;corresponds to the original data (triangular mesh with the 3D graph). The other pictures are the corresponding surfaces obtained by interpolation with an increasing square mesh size (1000x1000, 500x500, 180x180). The 1000x1000 mesh (1 million vertices) gives a really nice result, even better than the 3D graph in the flat area portions (but this could be corrected),&nbsp;but can't be manipulated, even with a reasonnably good graphic card. Even the 500x500 mesh (250 000 vertices)&nbsp;is too eavy to be visualized by a patient user, and a lot of details are already lost. The 180x180 mesh (32000 vertices, equivalent in size to the original graph)) can be moved easily using the new 3D picture, but do not give a fair representation of the surface complexity.
For those interested, the 3D interpolation was done using <a href="http://www.geocities.com/miroslavdressler" target="_blank">SurGe</a> , a really good shareware application developped by <a href="***@centrum.cz" target="_blank">Miroslav Dressler</a>, embedded in my own program using a system exe call .
I think the 3D picture control will become a fantastic tool as soon as a number of functions available in the 3D graph control are implemented.
I would strongly appreciate some comments from someone at NI.
<img style="WIDTH: 1010px; HEIGHT: 228px" height="372 src= C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\3D resolution examples\3D Pict Control 1000000.jpg" width="1414">

3D Pict Control 32000.jpg:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/203088/1/3D Pict Control 32000.jpg

3D Graph 32000.jpg:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/203088/2/3D Graph 32000.jpg

3D Pict Control 1000000.jpg:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/203088/3/3D Pict Control 1000000.jpg
chilly charly
2006-09-06 04:40:06 UTC
Paul M. a écrit: ... the 3d control has a relatively basic toolset for dynamically creating models, and leaves the extra-complex functions to dedicated applications like AutoCAD.&nbsp; Most of the complicated models I've seen used in the 3D control have been imported.

I may have missed something, but it seems that not only the 3D surface but also the 3D parametric plot were missed in the importation process. How could I draw with the new 3D picture control such a nice shape (you probably know that it has&nbsp;a most&nbsp;utterly importance for french people) with such a brilliant simplicity as with the 3D graph ?
<img src="Loading Image..."> Message Edité par chilly charly le 09-06-2006 06:27 AM


Shawn Mahon
2006-09-06 20:40:09 UTC
I made a few VI's that can reproduce your snail in the 3D picture control.&nbsp; It should show how to reproduce a lot of what the ActiveX 3D graph can do using meshes and lights.&nbsp; I realize its not as simple or elegant as the 3D Graph, but its meant as more of a general tool not just another 3D Graph.&nbsp;Basically there was some math to take in your X,Y,Z vectors and calculate the normals, then pass it all out and set up the scene.<img alt="Loading Image..." src="../../attachments/ni/170/204340/1/Pic_control_snail.JPG"> Message Edited by Shawn Mahon on 09-06-2006 03:33 PM


Apple James
2006-09-20 09:40:08 UTC
Hi everyone,
I just begin to learn 3D picture control on Labview, anyone have tutorial or example code of simple 3D picture control for beginner.
Thank You
2006-10-08 21:40:07 UTC
Hi CC,
I just installed 8.20.
Were can I find "3d Parametric Picture.VI"
2007-01-23 03:40:24 UTC
I am currently working on a 3D display with Labview 7.1, i just need rotation and cange of color and if possible to load vrml model.
in temsof color change, i don't think&nbsp;that i&nbsp;don't have much problems, &nbsp;
but to rotate an object is currently i have some problems :
- How to move the pivot point of an object in order to rotate them, it seems however i change the rotation axis, the pivot point will always be in the center of the object.
- Secondly, how to rotate two different object in different rotation, it seems that to make objects you need to combine them all in a render scene.vi and the add object.vi
&nbsp; so when ever i transform the first object the other object will follow. But i want to transform them seperately.
- And third, i want to make an extruded object from a (let say) polygons, how to do that, or else just export a vrml file and utilize it into the scene.
&nbsp; Is there anyone have a sample ?
and i will attach my vi here, and as you can see, the arrow pivot point is still in the center of the object
Please help me. And Thank you

3D foot display1.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/225429/1/3D foot display1.vi
2007-01-28 09:10:07 UTC
Yes, i kinda get what you meant by now, because previously i didn't notice about the example of Robot arm. But still is very hard to follow for a labview beginner like me.
2007-01-28 09:40:07 UTC
Nandha wrote:

Yes, i kinda get what you meant by now, because previously i didn't notice about the example of Robot arm. But still is very hard to follow for a labview beginner like me.

For me the 3D (VRML) world is also hard to understand and I know LabVIEW quite well. I guess my mind works in 2D mode (LabVIEW diagram) and has some trouble to gets its grasp on 3D :-)
Rolf Kalbermatter
