Digital Waveform Attributes, ignored by LV ?
(too old to reply)
2008-08-14 15:40:07 UTC
I've used waveform attributes before to rename plots on graph legends.&nbsp; Today I tried the same on a digital waveform graph, but it won't work.&nbsp; Can anyone tell me what I'm missing/doing wrong ?&nbsp; I'm using NIHSDIO VIs in this instance, when this worked for me before I was using&nbsp;DAQmx VIs.&nbsp; I have no attributes to edit, but have tried inserting them.&nbsp; The pictures should explain. i.e &quot;Line 0&quot; should be named &quot;one&quot;&nbsp;<img src="Loading Image..." border="0" width="742" height="450"> &nbsp;<img src="Loading Image..." border="0"> Message Edited by bmann2000 on 08-14-2008 04:26 PM
2008-08-14 16:10:06 UTC
here's the VI, LV8.2

Digital Display Dev Code.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/ni/attachments/ni/170/349324/1/Digital Display Dev Code.vi
Coal Man
2008-08-14 16:40:07 UTC
Hello bmann2000,&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a behavior that has been seen and reported as incorrect in the past.&nbsp; However, it has not been corrected yet.&nbsp; Even if the ChannelName is set correctly, the graph will not update the channel names for a digital graph.&nbsp; The solution, however, is a bit more complicated than with analog data since each channel can potentially have multiple lines, each with a different name.&nbsp; In any event, you can work around this naming issue by updating the plot names programatically.&nbsp; I have attached an example. &nbsp;
