2008-08-13 16:10:05 UTC
So I've just been given a project in my research lab.. We have to control a gantry arm using labview. The gantry control is already completely written out in labview using a datasocket server. However, I've never worked with Labview before. All I know is that it takes in a number as a velocity and it moves the arm according to that velocity. What I have to do is use the xbox 360 controller to input that number (a velocity), as well as calibrate it. If possible, using the mangitude of the joystick angle to input a different velocity. How would I go about doing this? I hav einstalled all the necessary software to talk to the controller, but I don't know how to set it up in Labview. Also, Windows XP sees it as a game controller, if that makes any difference. Message Edited by ShadowGray on 08-13-2008 10:56 AM