TCPIP VISA source couldn't be found
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2008-03-27 18:10:09 UTC
1. I run VISA Find Resource VI but couldn't see the resource for TCPIP which is actually there with my computer. I even could communicate with it. And also I couldn't see the list in Measurement&Automation utility.
2. Once I connect the Ethernet cable, the labview program will response very slow. If I disconnect the Ethernet cable, everything will be normal.
This is really bother me. Can somebody help?
Thanks a lot!
2008-03-28 16:10:09 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, smericurio_fc was exactly right in his explanations. There is a good KnowledgeBase article <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/D7D8E3E1B682022286256D4A00771A52?OpenDocument" target="_blank">here</a> that explains how you can add the TCP/IP resource to MAX. Give us more detail about what your VI is trying to do so we can figure out why things slow down when you add an ethernet cable.
2008-03-31 13:10:07 UTC
Thank you for the reply. Now I could understand why MAX dosen't show the resource name for the TCPIP. But I still don't understand when I connect the ethernet cable, my labview program will hang and have&nbsp;very slow&nbsp;response(almost like a 'dead' program) until I disconnect the cable. The program I run is very simple just want to find all the resource in my computer and open a serial port resouce. I am using Labview7.1 and a cross-over ethernet cable.
2008-04-01 16:10:06 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, Is the LabVIEW VI that slows down when you plug in an ethernet cable the one you use to run the VISA Find Resource VI? If yes, the reason why the VI runs slowly might be because, like what smercurio_fc above said, it is scanning the entire subnet and polling each possible address, and it will have to timeout on each one.Could you please give the expression you send as an input to the VISA Find Resource VI?
2008-04-07 12:40:07 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
Thanks for your reply. For Visa Find Resource VI, I use the default value as input (''?*"), which I want to find all the resource in my computer.
Actually, this slow down crash doesn't always happen. I tried about 5 times in same computer with same program, only 2 times my application got this 'no response' problem. If VISA resource always look for TCPIP and wait until timeout, I should get that problem everytime I ran my application, right?
Thank you very much for the support!
2008-04-09 00:40:06 UTC
In the 3 times that the program does not crash, how long does it take for VISA to find your device and your program to finish running? Does it take a long time also? Or does it execute really quickly? Have you tried breaking your program down to see which part of it causes the slow down, or timeout? Try using highlight execution mode to see which VI it slows down at. Is there also an error message that is returned when the VI times out?
2008-04-17 16:10:07 UTC
The thing is I even didn't run the application and everything is so slow. For example, I switch front panel and back program. Once the ethernet cable is connect, the front panel will show up after 2~3 mins 'no response'. If I disconnect the ethernet cable, the front panel will show up right away.
2008-04-17 20:10:06 UTC
I found if I show VISA source control in the front panel, the program will be very slow. But if I hide the VISA source in the front panel, everything will be fine. In back program, I didn't do anything just a loop. Please see the attached pics

back program.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/317031/1/back program.GIF

VISA on panel.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/317031/2/VISA on panel.GIF

VISA not in panel.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/317031/3/VISA not in panel.GIF
2008-04-17 16:40:05 UTC
I use Windows Task Monitor to watch the process. I found once I connect the ethernet cable, the labview application will not responding from time to time. At this time I even didn't run the application and just open it.
2008-04-17 18:40:06 UTC
I found this problem only happen with laptop. It never happens in my desktop. Both of the computers have the same softwares(labview, MAX).
And in the desktop, I could see the TCPIP resource properly. But in laptop, even MAX successfully creat session for the TCPIP resource, I still couldn't see the resource name at the orgination tree. Please see the pics I attached.
Could it be possible I miss some drivers in my laptop?

Laptop MAX.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/316995/1/Laptop MAX.GIF

Desktop MAX.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/316995/2/Desktop MAX.GIF

Laptop add tcpip.GIF:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/316995/3/Laptop add tcpip.GIF
2008-04-21 17:40:10 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, Could you try opening LabVIEW without opening any VIs, and plug in the ethernet cable and see what happens in the Windows Task Manager? Does things slow down?If nothing happens, could you try opening a VI and try and switch back and forth between the front panel and block diagram, and see if there is any difference between with ethernet cable and without. I would like to see if there might be possibly an issue with your installation of LabVIEW on your laptop, or something else, that is trying to access your ethernet port. Your ethernet port is connected to just a device using a crossover cable, right? Also, can the program run perfectly fine with no problems on the laptop?Let me know how it goes!
2008-04-21 18:40:09 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
Q:Could you try opening LabVIEW without opening any VIs, and plug in the ethernet cable and see what happens in the Windows Task Manager? Does things slow down?
A:Nothing slow down, everything is fine.
Q:If nothing happens, could you try opening a VI and try and switch back and forth between the front panel and block diagram, and see if there is any difference between with ethernet cable and without.
A:I did following combinations and the results are same as I descripted on the post before.
1. VISA resource control is shown in the front panel and ethernet cable dosen't plug in. ----Everything is fine, no slow down.
2. VISA resource control is shown in the front panel and ethernet cable&nbsp;plug in.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;----Labview slow down and shown as 'No responding' in Task manager for several minuets.
3. VISA resource control is hided from the front panel and ethernet cable dosen't plug in.&nbsp;&nbsp;----Everything is fine, no slow down.
4. VISA resource control is hided from the front panel and ethernet cable plug in.&nbsp;&nbsp;----Everything is fine, no slow down.
I am using the crossover cable to make the connection between my laptop and the test unit.
2008-04-22 16:10:06 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, Is this behavior only for the VI you built, or do you also see this for a blank VI with only a VISA Resource control on the front panel?This is really strange behavior, please let me know about the above and I will look into what might be causing this.
2008-04-22 16:10:07 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
I put a blank VISA resourse control on a new VI front panel and did nothing on the back program. The labview is hanging also for 1~2 min when I switch between front panel and back program.
2008-04-23 23:10:04 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, This is really odd behavior and not something that is expected. This could be due to either a faulty installation of LabVIEW, NI-VISA, or there might be an issue with your Windows OS.I would advise you to reinstall LabVIEW first, and if that does not change things, to reinstall NI-VISA. This will eliminate any faults that might have been due to installation errors. If you find that you see the same behavior even after reinstalling, it might be an issue with the Windows installation.I hope you understand the above. Let us know how it goes!
2008-05-01 16:10:08 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
I tried what you suggest to reinstall everything. At first, everything is working fine with or with I plug in the network cable. But after I add one GPIB Ethernet device, the problem happened again.
The GPIB Ethernet device IP address:, subnet mask:
The unit I connected IP address:, subnet mask:
2008-05-02 20:40:09 UTC
Hi lvfanqie, When you said that it was working on your desktop but not on your laptop, did your desktop also have the GPIB ENET device?Are you connected to an network via straight ethernet cable, as well as connected to your tcp/ip device via crossover cable?Have you tried removing the GPIB Enet device and seeing what happens?Could you also please provide an NI Spy capture of when you are seeing this problem? There is a good article on how you can do this <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/8D890EC09B15C05A86256E6F007E3E86?OpenDocument" target="_blank">here</a>.
2008-05-05 13:40:10 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
First, I installed GPIB ENET both in laptop and desktop. But I didn't do too many test on my desktop. I use my laptop more often.
Second, I didn't connect tow device at the same time. When I connect GPIB ENET, I uses a router with straight cable. When I connect the unit with laptop, I disconnect GPIB device and use a crossover cable. You know I mention before, I didn't get problem until I install GPIB ENET. So any conflict in drivers between VISA and NI488.2?
I included the NI spy logger. When I captured the log, I put a VISA control in a front window and swtich the window between front and back. Hope you could find something in this log.

2008-05-05 14:10:08 UTC
Hi Rasheel,
I would like to attach another log without any cable connect. The same action is I switch between front and back of a new VI with a VISA source control in the front windown.
One thing I could see from the log is the timing is different in two logs.

2008-08-12 15:40:25 UTC
Anyone can help to look at this problem?
2008-08-13 22:10:05 UTC
Hi,&nbsp;Could you tell me what version of NI-VISA you are using, and what version of NI-488.2 you have installed? You can try downloading and installing the latest versions of the <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/1070/lang/en" target="_blank">NI-VISA </a>and <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/335/lang/en" target="_blank">NI-488.2</a> drivers. &nbsp;When you say you hide the VISA Resource control, do you mean that that you made the control invisible, or that you had relocated it offscreen (by scrolling on the front panel)?&nbsp;Let me know, thanks!