2008-08-11 19:10:07 UTC
I inadvertently created a 3.5Gb file with data using the Write Characters to and giving it a *.csv extension. I have seen some info on the forums dealing with files this large but noticed that they point to Open G for the most part. I was wondering if someone knew how to quickly divide this file up possibly using the DOS "TYPE" command with echo turned off? This seems to open the file but echoing to the screen takes a really long time. I tried downloading other text editors with not much luck, EditPad Pro 6 (2GB), and UltraEdit which I forced closed after 10mins.
The wild thing is LabVIEW let me create this large file but an't edit it<img height="16 src= Loading Image..." width="16" border="0">
The data format is as follows:
1, 21, 2, 9, 16.8652802, 21, 2, 10, 16.834560.
The wild thing is LabVIEW let me create this large file but an't edit it<img height="16 src= Loading Image..." width="16" border="0">
The data format is as follows:
1, 21, 2, 9, 16.8652802, 21, 2, 10, 16.834560.