Save Intensity Graph to file (just the graph--GetImage method saves other stuff)
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2008-08-12 22:10:05 UTC
Hey all,
I was wondering if there was a way to save only the graph window for an intensity graph. I believe there's a method called Export Image, but it doesn't work for intensity graphs for some reason. As I said in the topic, if you use the Get Image method, it saves other things like the color ramp, the Graph label, etc..kinda like taking a screenshot of the area surrounding the graph instead of the graph itself.
I've tried using Get Image and then Get Image Subset, but I'm either selecting the wrong area or selecting the wrong # of pixels or something, because it's not the correct resolution and doesn't quite look right.
2008-08-13 15:10:11 UTC
Actually, the problem seems to be before I export. I just ran the VI in question, right clicked on the graph and clicked Copy Data and pasted it into MS Paint. I trimmed the sides manually, and noticed the same problem.  I'm taking a 640x480 color image from a BMP, converting it to greyscale, and then saving the U8 converted greyscale data to both a pixmap and to a 2d array. Then I use the 2d array as the input for the intensity graph.  The greyscale pixmap, and the intensity map look very, very similar, but the intensity graph is a bit squished (a few pixels in both axes perhaps). Anyone know why it might do that? I'd like to get the same picture in both places.
2008-08-13 17:10:07 UTC
Okay, so I noticed that if you right click on the Intensity map and go to properties, go to the Scales tab (i'm on LV 8.2) that the Y scale (width) says 650 instead of 640. I tried setting it back to 640 but after each run it jumps back to 650 and my output files still look squished. It looks like its got all 640 pixels plus 10 more that have wrapped around from the left side and all 650 pixels are occupying the space for 640 pixels. HelP!!!
2008-08-13 21:10:05 UTC
jorwex wrote:
Okay, so I noticed that if you right click on the Intensity map and go to properties, go to the Scales tab (i'm on LV 8.2) that the Y scale (width) says 650 instead of 640. I tried setting it back to 640 but after each run it jumps back to 650 and my output files still look squished.
RIght-click the graph and uncheck "advanced..autoadjust scales". By default is is enabled and the scales will adapt according to the space needed by the axes.
2008-08-13 20:10:10 UTC
Hi Jorwex,&nbsp;Have you seen, &quot;<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/5AE4ADCBB65A6D8F86256FBF007A1AC1?OpenDocument" target="_blank">Exporting a Waveform Graph or Chart to a File in LabVIEW</a> &quot;?&nbsp; Do I understand correctly that you'd like not to include all the image data produced with this method? Message Edited by Pie56694 on 08-13-2008 03:01 PM