source distribution build error 6 (generic file i/o/error) for my custom controls
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2008-08-14 15:10:06 UTC
I get the following when trying to build a source distribution for a project which includes custom control files.  The build halts for any of my custom control files. "An error occurred while building the following file:C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.5\Components\User\Delphi\StepTypes\PXI Steps\PostSteps\Bluetooth\Infineon\Unistone\Infineon_Read_BD_Data States.ctl Error 6 occurred at ABAPI Dist Chg and Save VIs.vi -> ABAPI Dist Build LLB Image.vi -> ABAPI Copy Files and Apply Settings.vi -> SDBEP_Invoke_Build_Engine.vi -> SDBUIP_Build_Invoke.vi -> SDBUIP_Build_Invoke.vi.ProxyCallerPossible reason(s):LabVIEW:  Generic file I/O error.
NI-488:  I/O operation aborted." Thanks.
2008-08-15 21:40:18 UTC
My initial thought is that the length of the file path is creating an issue.  There is an OS limit to the file path length that can create problems.  Try moving your custom controls up 8 or 9 directories and see if that gets rid of these errors.  If not, post your version of LabVIEW and maybe we can take a look at this a bit more. Cheers, Message Edited by Brian_A on 08-15-2008 04:11 PMMessage Edited by Brian_A on 08-15-2008 04:12 PM