I find a vehicle model in LabVIEW not Simulink model.
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Joey Lee
2008-08-04 07:10:06 UTC
I find a vehicle model in LabVIEW. I don't want to use Simulation Interface Toolkit.
I tried to use simulink dll vehicle model using Simulation Interface Toolkit. But these method had a some problem of delay.
So I directly want to use vehicle model in LabVIEW.
And I also tried to convert simulink dll file to LabVIEW vi file using Simulation Module.
But in these process, all dll functions did't be converted. Bcoz dll file consisted of state-flow, integrator, derivate and etc.
If anyone has the vehicle model in LabVIEW, plz contact to me.
2008-08-06 16:10:15 UTC
Hello Joey Lee,


I am not sure what you mean by vehicle model in LabVIEW? are
you referring to using the <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/3029" target="_blank">Engine Simulator Starter
Kit</a>? Or might <a href="message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=88383&amp;requireLogin=False" target="_blank">this
forum post about using non-linear systems in the Simulation Toolkit</a> be more
along the lines of what you are referring to?
Joey Lee
2008-08-07 00:40:05 UTC
Thank you for your reply.
I want to simulate vehicle dynamics using LabVIEW. And I have a vehicle dynamic model in simulink mdl file.
I&nbsp;tyied to simulate&nbsp;vehicle model through the SIT.
But I want to simulate the whole vehicle model using LabVIEW, so I searched simualtion module.
Simulation module has a simulink translator. Then I translated simulink vehicle model to LabVIEW function.
But some blocks doesn't be translated. So I want to find a whole vehicle dynamic model.
2008-08-07 19:10:06 UTC
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