Changing image parameters while displaying on second monitor
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2008-08-05 19:40:09 UTC
I am trying to display an image I generate on a secondary monitor. The image is a 1280x760 and so is the monitor so it is very important that nothing other than the image is being&nbsp;displayed on&nbsp;the monitor. I read TonP's forum on this that was helpful (<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;thread.id=256925&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;page=1" target="_blank">http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;thread.id=256925&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;page=1</a>) but I am also hoping to be able to change parameters that create the image from my main monitor while the image is displayed on the secondary screen.
I have tried doing this&nbsp;a few different ways but the only times I successfully change the image parameters the labview header/tool/window bar pops back up. I need to find a way to keep only the image displayed after I change the image (and preferably nothing in between changes). Ideally, I will have one program running on my main monitor to control the image on the secondary monitor. I should mention that I won't be able to see the&nbsp;second monitor so I need to know it is properly framed and does not have risk of moving. &nbsp;I will post my current block diagram below, it shows&nbsp;(at the&nbsp;top) the parameters going into my program that produces an image to be displayed on the secondary monitor. Below that is how I had been displaying the image using a front panel property node, though that way doesnt allow for parameter changes...
Thank you for you help,
LV 8.2.1 Full

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2008-08-06 05:10:05 UTC
Hi K.Rock,
you use one pc with two monitors, right? What about using two vi´s, one&nbsp;shows the image and the other is to change the parameters?
2008-08-06 14:40:11 UTC
Hi Mike, thanks for your response,
To answer your questions, yes I use one PC with two monitors. The second monitor I will be using is actually a hologram decive that I will not be able to see but for now I have a small monitor in its place just to verify what is being displayed. It is my goal to display the parameter controls on the monitor I can see and then send only the image to be displayed on the secondary. Could you elaborate on your solution looking at the code I have provided you?....&nbsp;
I&nbsp;have tried&nbsp;using two VIs, one controls the image parameters, the other displays the front panel in the top left of the other monitor- showing only the image (see my code in above post). Trouble is that I cant seem to change the parameters without having the labview window pop back up around the image&nbsp;(the window with labview&nbsp;menus and controls). I need to find a way to leave the display program running, freezing the image on the second monitor in place yet allowing me to make changes to&nbsp;the image. Maybe I am not making my problem clear? I seem to be able to do all the pieces needed individually but I can't get&nbsp;it to run all at once smoothly...
Also, every now and again I check the image in the top left corner of the second monitor and I can see the frame/border around it as you would see on the front panel.&nbsp;I need&nbsp;to find a way to eliminate that as the image itself is as large as&nbsp;my&nbsp;display device so I have no room&nbsp;for a border etc. This will also interfere with my laser...&nbsp;Is there a way to display only&nbsp;the&nbsp;image data without having to display the front panel and then hide&nbsp;everything but the image- as I have been doing?&nbsp;&nbsp;
It would be ideal if I could run one VI where the front panel displays my parameters to change while the image displays on the second monitor. Is this possible? or using two VIs can&nbsp;I essentially accomplish this? I have all the programming done I really just need to find the right way of running/incorporating them together.
Thank you for your help,
KevinMessage Edited by K.Rock on 08-06-2008 09:35 AM
2008-08-06 14:40:13 UTC
Hi Kevin,
if you have two vi´s, then use the "Open vi reference" function to start both vi´s. They run independently then and you can use the reference from one to control the other one. Use the invoke nodes to change control values or send the changes with a queue. See some shipped architecture to find the one you need.
Hide the title bar to make the window unmoveable.
Hope it helps.MikeMessage Edited by MikeS81 on 08-06-2008 04:38 PM
2008-08-06 16:10:09 UTC
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your timely response,
I tried your recommendation and I still couldn't control the parameters.&nbsp;Below is what I got out of what you told me, I should&nbsp;add that&nbsp;I am somewhat new to labview and have never used any of these invoke or property nodes before so please bear with me:
<img height="273 src= file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/usd16718/Local%20Settings/Temp/AllMonitors[1]_BD.png" width="1040">
Almost there,

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2008-08-06 16:10:13 UTC
Sorry I meant to attach my VI before to make it easier for you incase you want to just edit it, here it is
-KRMessage Edited by K.Rock on 08-06-2008 10:59 AM

2008-08-06 21:10:07 UTC
Hi All,
I just feel obligated to answer my own post and let you know I figured this problem out. The right combination was to first open the VI that produces the images and run it continuously. Then I can run the display program using the invoke nodes to change parameters of the image it displays. With out the original program running this was not possible. I also added a feature to preview what the new image looks on the primary display. My code is in the link below. I hope this helps someone in the future looking to display&nbsp;+ control only&nbsp;the&nbsp;image on a secondary&nbsp;display.&nbsp;
Thanks again Mike,

Displaying the 1280x740 on secondary_BD.png:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347293/1/Displaying the 1280x740 on secondary_BD.png