2008-08-12 13:40:16 UTC
Hello, I'm wondering if anybody has a simple solution for taking the data out of an XY graph and sending it to an Excel spreadsheet without using seperate arrays. My VI scans, reads and plots light intensity vs. relative position, and the user can use the Tools on the XY graph to fill the ROI to the plot. With a chart I could take the History Data property node and feed it into a 'write to spreadsheet file.vi' in a conditional loop, but with an XY Graph there is no History Data property node, so if I take a local variable of the XY graph and feed it into a 'write to spreadsheet file.vi' I get the following error, that I have connected two terminals of different types, source- 1-D array of cluster of 2 elements , sink- 1-D array of double[ 64 bit real]. The reason I want to take the data from the graph is that I want to avoid dumping all the data from the scan to the spreadsheet and only send the user defined ROI. Thanks in advance.