Can you search for specific shared variables in LabVIEW 8.6?
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2008-08-12 17:40:08 UTC
National Instruments is not making this easy. I cannot find any reference to searching for shared variables in either the bug fixes or known issues. I guess NI doesn't think being unable to search for shared variables is a problem.
2008-08-12 17:40:10 UTC
KenT (of NI) posted a tool <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=343613#M343613" target="_blank">in this thread </a>to help you search for Shared Varibles.
2008-08-12 18:10:05 UTC
You can always lable your shared variables and do a search for text,&nbsp;not the most elegant solution but should work.
2008-08-12 19:40:05 UTC
You said
"KenT (of NI) posted a tool <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=343613#M343613" target="_blank"> in this thread </a>to help you search for Shared Varibles.
The tool for searching for shared variables does not work. After listing vis in the selected project it stops. There is no opportunity to search for shared variables.
2008-08-12 20:10:05 UTC
JY wrote "The tool for searching for shared variables does not work. "
Please post your finding in that thread so Ken can follow-up. The methods he used were private so only NI can do anything to help you.
2008-08-12 20:10:07 UTC
The reason that VI didn't work is probably because the internal structure of Shared Variables on the diagram changed in LabVIEW 8.6.&nbsp; They used to be a particular type of object, and now they are another.&nbsp; I have attached a VI Analyzer test below that allows you to specify a string pattern, and the test will return a "failure" for any Shared Variable found on the diagrams of analyzed VIs whose name(s) match that pattern.&nbsp; Note that in order for this test to work, the LabVIEW project that owns the variable(s) you're looking for must be open prior to starting the analysis...otherwise you'll get a 1055 error when running the test.&nbsp; Place the attached LLB in your [LabVIEW Data]\VI Analyzer Tests folder, restart LabVIEW, and choose Tools &gt; VI Analyzer &gt; Analyze VIs.&nbsp; This test will only work in LabVIEW 8.6 and later since it looks for the new object type of Shared Variables.Hope this helps,-DMessage Edited by Darren on 08-12-2008 03:08 PM

Find Shared Variables.llb:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/348774/1/Find Shared Variables.llb
2008-08-12 19:10:06 UTC
JT1958 wrote:National Instruments is not making this easy. I cannot find any reference to searching for shared variables in either the bug fixes or known issues. I guess NI doesn't think being unable to search for shared variables is a problem.We are aware that this is a desired feature, and we are looking at ways to include this functionality in a future LabVIEW version.Thanks for the feedback,-D