how do you change the annotation color
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Chris Co
2007-01-05 14:40:07 UTC
I have tried everything I know and still cannot change the annotation color.  My current color is yellow on a white background and I cannot read it.  I thought the annotatoin color used to be black, but I cannot recall. Thanks in advance.
Chris Co
2007-01-05 15:40:10 UTC
If you are talking about a graph annotation in 8.20 all you have to do is right click on the annotation and select attributes and then color.
if you are talking about something else please be more specific.
Mark H
2007-01-05 15:40:11 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Chris Co
2007-01-05 15:40:12 UTC
Sorry, I should have been more specific.  I'm talking about creating an annotation in an XY graph during runtime in LV 8.20.  The properties page only lets you select cursor and plot colors- no annotation colors.  The options for labVIEW environment is no help either. 
You are describing cursors.  I could use them, but they do not have the nifty arrow.
Chris Co

2007-01-05 15:40:13 UTC
No I am talking about annotations and if you look at the LV help it clearly explains how to do this even during runtime.
Excerp from the LV help.

Adding Annotations to Graphs

Use an annotation on a <a href="lvconcepts.chm::/Types_of_Graphs_and_Charts.html" target="_blank">graph</a> to <a href="lvconcepts.chm::/Customizing_Graphs_and_Charts.html#Using_Graph_Annotations" target="_blank">highlight data points on the plot area</a>. Complete the following steps to add an annotation to a graph.

- Right-click the graph and select Data Operations»Create Annotation from the shortcut menu to display the <a href="lvdialog.chm::/Create_Annotation.html" target="_blank">Create Annotation</a> dialog box. Use the Create Annotation dialog box to specify the annotation name and how the annotation snaps to plots in the plot area.
- Right-click the annotation and use the following options from the shortcut menu to customize the annotation:

- Lock Style?Sets the way in which the annotation snaps to plots and can be moved in the plot area. Lock Style includes the following options:

- Snap to All Plots? Allows you to move the annotation to the nearest data point along any plot in the plot area.
- Snap to One Plot? Allows you to move the annotation only along the specified plot.
- Free? Allows you to move the annotation anywhere in the plot area. LabVIEW does not snap the annotation to any plots in the plot area.

- Attributes?Customize the appearance and behavior of each annotation. Attributes includes the following options:

- Color?Displays the <a href="lvhowto.chm::/Coloring_Objects_and_Backg.html" target="_blank"> color picker</a> so you can select the color of the annotation, including its point, arrow, and name.
- Annotation Style?Provides various styles for the annotation. LabVIEW draws the selected style, in combination with the Point Style option, at the focal point of the annotation.
- Point Style?Provides various point styles for the annotation. LabVIEW draws the selected style, in combination with the Cursor Style option, at the focal point of the annotation.
- Line Style?Provides various solid and dotted line styles for the annotation.
- Line Width?Provides various line widths for the annotation.
- Show Name?Displays the annotation name in the plot area.
- Allow Drag?Allows you to drag the annotation.
- Lock Name?Positions the annotation name absolutely so that when you move the annotation or scroll the plot area, the annotation name does not move in the plot area.
- Show Arrow?Displays the arrow that points from the annotation name to the annotated data point.

- X Scale?Allows you to choose the x-scale that maps a pixel location to a data value for the annotation. This option applies only to free annotations.
- Y Scale?Allows you to choose the y-scale that maps a pixel location to a data value for the annotation. This option applies only to free annotations.
- Delete Annotation?Deletes the annotation from the graph.

<img src="mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\National%20Instruments\LabVIEW%208.2\help\lvhowto.chm::/note.gif">
Note&nbsp;&nbsp;Right-click the graph and select Data Operations»Delete All Annotations from the shortcut menu to delete all annotations in the plot area.

- Click and drag the crosshairs of the annotation to move the annotation to a different data point in the plot area. Click and drag the annotation name to move it to a different location in the plot area.

Use the <a href="lvprop.chm::/WaveformGraph_Annot_List.html" target="_blank"> Annotation List</a> property to get an array of information about all annotations in the plot area programmatically.
&lt;SCRIPT type=text/javascript&gt;
if(typeof(Print_Link)=="function") {
Chris Co
2007-01-05 16:10:07 UTC
What LabVIEW version are you using, because that attributes menu never comes up when right clicking an annotation.&nbsp; The described menu does come up when right clicking a cursor.&nbsp; In fact when right clicking the annotation, the graph menu appears- as though the annotation is transparent or nonexistent in terms of modifying by menus.&nbsp; There is no way to modify it after creation (except the name with a property node)
Chris Co

annotate create.doc:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/222804/1/annotate create.doc
2007-01-05 16:10:10 UTC
it is very picky as to where you right click. I have found that you can right click and have it show up when you move the cursor until it makes the symbol for the annotation ie the &nbsp;point style and then right click and it will show the list as stated.Message Edited by Jhoskins on 01-05-2007 11:09 AM

Loading Image...
Chris Co
2007-01-05 16:40:10 UTC
This brings up an interesting problem.&nbsp; If a user chooses a blank option for annotation style an a no point style, the user can no longer find that sweet spot to further modify the annotation!&nbsp; This is only a simple problem because the user would only spend 1 minute creating a new one.
Chris Co.Message Edited by Chris Co on 01-05-2007 10:30 AM
2007-01-05 16:40:09 UTC
All in a days work :smileywink:
Glad I could help.

Chris Co
2007-01-05 16:10:08 UTC
Thanks for the reply.&nbsp; It works. If I have to modify the annotation in this one and only manner, I think I will remove the create annotation option from the shortcut menu.&nbsp; Why would it be any different than modifying a cursor. Pain in the $%#!!
Thanks for the answer TonP!!
Chris Co
2007-01-05 16:10:07 UTC
If you look at the annotation list, each annotation has a color!<img src="Loading Image..."> TonMessage Edited by TonP on 01-05-2007 04:41 PM
