How to streaming video in remote panel
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Joe John
2008-08-07 13:10:11 UTC
I'm trying to creating an application were the customer is looking to remotely connect to an application from anywhere in the world. The application will be controlling some automation. There will need to be a camera used and a video display box in the application so they can move the automation and see what is happening remotely. I can easily create a web server application so anyone can connect to it. The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to get a video box in my application that a remotely connected computer can see. Any ideas?
2008-08-07 16:10:06 UTC
Joe John
I am currently working on a similar application. Like you said, the web server is not a problem but the video itself will not display. Ive had no luck yet, but I will keep you posted as I make progress. Also, if you make any breakthroughs feel free to let me know :smileywink:
Good luck
2008-08-07 16:10:07 UTC
You can definitely use remote panels to view your LabVIEW VI on a remote computer. However, your video may be choppier due to the large amount of data that would need to be sent over your network, and this will depend on the update speed of the video. If you would like to publish your data to the web follow these steps: 1) Save your VI 2) Start the webserver (Tools>>Web Publishing) 3) Preview the page 4) Save to disk (use the default location in the www directory) 5) Use the web link given to access the VI from a remote machine. 6) If you would like to request control of the VI remotely, right click and select request control.
To get the video playing on your front panel: 
1. Place the ActiveX container on the front panel2. Right click on the ActiveX container and select "insert ActiveX Object"3. Select "Window Media Player"This will embed the media player on the ActiveX control. The trick then is to associate the feed from your webcam to this ActiveX control. However, there are several versions of Windows Media Player/Labview that are incompatible.
This <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=200&amp;message.id=2757&amp;requireLogin=False" target="_blank">thread</a>&nbsp;may also be of assistance
Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to be of assistance.
2008-08-07 16:10:07 UTC
LabVIEW webserver isn't recommended for fast image streaming. I would&nbsp;suggest that&nbsp;you used a TCP connection in it's place, however the downside of this is that you will only be able to&nbsp;stream to&nbsp;a single client.&nbsp; There is more information about selecting your method in&nbsp;this <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/2E60AF970E49531586256A8C0051332C?OpenDocument" target="_blank">KB</a>.
To implement the TCP connection take a look in the LabVIEW example finder under Networking&gt;&gt;TCP&amp;UDP.
To implement the Datasocket connection look again in the example finder under Networking&gt;&gt;Datasocket.
If you did still want to use the webserver to stream the image you just need to go into the tools pallete on the front panel and select Vision&gt;&gt;Image Display then wire your input up.
I hope this helped,
Tom Clark
