3D Graph Default Data and equal scale? Another 3D graph question...
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Chris lboro
2008-08-07 10:10:09 UTC
Hi all,
I'm using a 3D Parametric graph to display x,y and z data.  I've been setting paramters for the graph display using property nodes.  Somehow now when the VI is running it displays fine, when the VI stops the display reverts back to display some old data and not the data that was just being shown.  I can't find a property node that might control this (the 'make this default' on the menu is disabled so how did i do it in the first place?!) - basically I want the graph not to change it's display when the VI is stopped. (i.e. so you can carry on looking at it - I relaise you won't be able to move it around etc).
The next issue is to fix the scale of the x and y axis relative to each other, i.e to keep the precise aspect ratio of the data.  Can this be done easily (basically 1 unit on the x axis is the same length on the plot as 1 unit on the y)?
Many Thanks for any help,
2008-08-07 11:10:09 UTC
Please take a look at <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;message.id=144155#M144155" target="_blank">this thread </a>to find an example that works with advanced 3d graph functionality including scale manipulation. Here is a preview.
<img src="Loading Image...">
Your "reverting back issue" is not clear and I have never seen that behaviour. I could imagine an issue with your code doing that but I would only be speculating. Please post code that demonstrates this issue and we may be of more hlep.
Chris lboro
2008-08-07 13:40:09 UTC
Thanks, I had actually seen that but thought it wasn't what I wanted.&nbsp; however it seems to work as long as I set up the view parameters (as you can see when the vi runs it is way up in the far corner).&nbsp; The only problem is the size of the cursor when zoomed in to the whole contour plot (It doesn't go below size 1).
The reverting back issue - If you run the VI continuously, zoom into the contour plot and center it and then stop the vi the display reverts back to an old data set (you can see the sector is centered on the left hand edge when the vi has stopped and when running it is truly centered).

3D graph.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347516/1/3D graph.vi
Chris lboro
2008-08-08 09:10:08 UTC
Has anyone got any ideas - I found another thread with someone wanting to clear the data because his grpah displays the the current data even when the vi is stopped (this is what I want!).&nbsp; Why does my graph default to some old data?!
Chris lboro
2008-08-08 09:40:12 UTC
I think the attached VI gives better equal scales for this type of data set.&nbsp; However it still only works if the graph container is square! Is there a way around that?
Just need to sort the reverting backissue...

3D graph.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347803/1/3D graph.vi

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