incomplete time serie
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2008-08-07 13:10:10 UTC
Hello!! I try to do the spectrum analysis from a incomplete time serie. I have zeros in the "no-data". The "unevenly sampled spectrum", "power spectrum" etc... doesn't work well becouse the nodata-zeros contamine the spectrum.Then, i try to do a deconvolution of a mask and the contamined serie... but the result isn't the original serie (a test serie, i know the complete serie and a incomplete serie)Anyone help me???Thanks regards.
2008-08-07 13:40:08 UTC
Just let me know If my understanding is correct.You want to delete all zeros since they mean adding unwanted noise?
2008-08-11 06:40:05 UTC
Yes, i want to do the fourier transform (auto, power, lomb...) and delete all component (frecuencies) due to the zeroes of the time series. Then, i "clean" the serie and i have the original serie's FT(fourier transform). d=c·m (d dirty serie, c clean serie, m mask serie ) FT(d)=D, FT(c)=C, FT(m)=M.by a property of fourier transform, convolution: d=c·m <-> D=C*M ( * is convolution )  --->   D deconv M=Cif the time serie is complex or not obvious, the labview's deconvolution doesn't work well.the question is, somebody knows some method or algorithm to solve this problem?thank's
2008-08-13 13:40:07 UTC
Hi, If the LabView routines don't fit into your needs try to build your own or adapt it from pre-existing C/Fortran routins using built-in LV functions and the MathScriptnodes.  You can find a good compilations of numerical routines in the online numeric reciepes. http://www.nr.com/oldverswitcher.html  Hope it helps. Regards, Guillem. 