segment .tif image
(too old to reply)
2006-07-27 21:40:09 UTC
Hello all,

I am using LV 7.1 and IMAQ vision.  I am trying to make an
automated vi. that will segment a .tif file based on the imputed
coordinates of the user.  I would then like to save the segmented
file.  I have tried to work off of the examples and the region of
interest vi's but have been unable to output the segmented image. 
As of now I can only ouput a mask of the  my region of interest
which does not include the actual image only a blank image of my
specified size.  I am also having trouble hard wiring the
cordinate system, and can currently only select a ROI with the mouse
drag rectangle.  I have attaced a .tif file as an example image to
work off of.  Thanks for the help in advance as I am sure this
should be easy, but can not crack the problem.  I tried attaching a .tif file but the forum doesn't allow that extension.


Jeffrey P
2006-07-28 16:40:09 UTC
Good morning Azazel,
When you say "segment an image", can you clarify what this means?  Does it mean to take that portion of the image inside of a rectangle defined by the coordinates you specify, and write it to a new image or image file?  Does it mean to mask the image based off of that rectangle, where the image size remains the same, but everything else outside of that rectangle is black?  Does it mean something else altogether?
If you can specify what you mean by segment an image, I will we better armed to answer your questions!
2012-10-26 20:07:32 UTC
hai friend,
iam using lv 10 and doing project in image processing. i want to extract ROI from an image using labview, can nyone help me
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