debugging the code
(too old to reply)
2008-08-04 02:10:06 UTC
I made an application with a big data array of 2 MB text.
To analyze, the array was performed with some mathematical functions.
(I use the array function (from LV and Open-G) and graphical plotting so many times to extract and manipulate the data.)
But, as time goes on, I found the speed of the computer was very slow just after open the array.
Would you recommend how to debug my code in my current situation?
I want to upgrade the speed after analyzing the main and SubVIs.
(I'm so sorry I can't post my application code.)
2008-08-04 05:10:05 UTC
The execution trace toolkit is only for <a href="http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/13742" target="_blank">LabVIEW RT</a>, it wont do anything for plain LabVIEW. Just use profiling, monitor memory use, and show buffer allocations.

labmaster wrote:

(I use the array function (from LV and&nbsp;Open-G)&nbsp;and graphical plotting so many times to extract and manipulate the data.)

Are you constantly creating new data buffers in memory? Are you constantly changing the array sizes? (built array, insert into array, delete from array). Do you use local variables with your large arrays? Do you have uninitilized shift registers&nbsp;containing arrays of variable size?
Even if you cannot attach your program, could you still&nbsp;be a bit more specific:

- What is the datatype of your array?

- What is the number of elements in your array (2MB of "text" is not very informative).

- What kind of operations do you do on the array?
2008-08-07 02:40:06 UTC
Dear altenbach,
I would like to contact you via email.
Would you please write an email to me&nbsp;at poyntor AT yahoo.com?