<a href="../view_profile?user.id=109415" class="auth_text" style="font-weight: bold;" target="_blank"> nolsqn</a>, It sounds like you already have the OFDM protocol taken care of on the software side of things and now you are only trying to establish some kind of communication between two of these DAQ boards? Please correct me if I am wrong. Some questions that I do have for you are what is the carrier frequencies that you are running at, and how many channels are you trying to TX and RX on? Have you been able to use any kind of example programs to establish any communications between the two boxes. Gio posted a link to the <a href="http://www.datx.com/images/pdfs/dtlv.pdf" target="_blank">DT-LV</a> link, is that the software that you are using for this communication? If that is the case, then some of those example programs should help you to establish communication between the DAQ boxes that you have. I also took a look at your VIs and it looks like you are using the Modulation Toolkit to create your OFDM signal. Once you do this, the data that will be created will actually be analog data, which you can then write to the analog channels of the DAQ board. Now, I also see that you have a bitstream to which you are applying QAM modulation. At this point, it depends on what kind of communication you are trying to acheive with the board. Something to keep in mind is the symbol rate, etc that you specify for the OFDM signal that you are generating, since that will affect your carrier frequency etc.Although it looks like you already have the OFDM signal taken care of, <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5152" target="_blank">here</a> is an example, which should help you anyway. That being said, if you do want analog outputs, which will probably be the easiest for you after looking at your code, you should be able to use the basic DT-LV examples (see Analog Output) example to output your values. You already have the values in software so you can just feed those to the analog output using the example code.Hope some of that helps.Regards,<a href="http://www.datx.com/images/pdfs/dtlv.pdf" target="_blank"><a href="http://" target="_blank"> </a></a>