2008-08-06 20:10:05 UTC
please HELP!! The Problem is that I am reading out an XML_INI file using the addon XML DOM Parser.I use Source Distrubution to transfer all the files and Libraries to another machine.Everything works fine on the Developer Machine, I can select all the Methods and Properties. On the ProductionMachine I can run the code as long as i don't relink the vi or I break a wire. Which is really confusing me, could anyone explain to me what is happening or if there is a way to solve this problem. Sometimes it says that the a problem with the file xerces-c_2_7.dll or it is missing. Or is it just better to go ahead and change it to activeX?Thanks,Oliver
Dom Parser.PNG:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347263/1/Dom Parser.PNG
Dom Parser.PNG:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347263/1/Dom Parser.PNG