Error BFFF00
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2008-08-07 19:40:06 UTC
Hi,I am recieving this error BFFF00VISA Read in RSFSEx Memory Read.vi->testcapture.vi->ScreenCapture.vi->Test Version000.vifrom what I can understand by just reading it..its telling me that I am calling a vi which is not there? However the testcapture.vi  I don't have anywhere my program.   I will post all related files in this thread thank you.What my vi or program does is simple.Test version000.vi loads all of the other files which the user then executes it. 1: create an excel workbook then close it(Createworkbook.vi). 2: After which it will read another excel workbook which the same may put values into (any cell you can define the location of up to 2 variables via the row and col options) (open and read excel.vi) 3: At this point it will search search for a frequency span around it (search for frequency.vi) 4: It will then screen capture this screen on the analzyer(screen capture.vi) 5: Finally Take the value of the marker and open the excel work book you created in step 1 and right the value in a cell you define.(open excel save file.vi)Message Edited by MrSafe on 08-07-2008 02:39 PMMessage Edited by MrSafe on 08-07-2008 02:39 PM

Open Excel Save File.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347646/1/Open Excel Save File.vi

Open and Read Excel.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347646/2/Open and Read Excel.vi

Create Workbook.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347646/3/Create Workbook.vi
2008-08-07 19:40:06 UTC
Added 3 more files which are part of the main vi.

Search for Frequency.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347647/1/Search for Frequency.vi


Test Version000.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347647/3/Test Version000.vi
2008-08-07 20:10:09 UTC
**UPDATE2**It seems the I had added connectors to the screencapture.vi. Once I removed these it started working, However this confuses me if I connect paths to the connectors it will not work I will receiver errors telling me to change path controls to an indicator but this wont work from my understanding because the vi needs an input and is not outputing to any path.**UPDATE**It apears I do have this testcapture file in there now im really confused.Message Edited by MrSafe on 08-07-2008 02:53 PM
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-07 20:40:09 UTC
That is not a valid error code. You dropped the last couple of digits and you certainly do have testcapture.vi in your program. It's in  ScreenCapture.vi. Please post back with the actual error code that you are getting.
2008-08-07 22:10:08 UTC
BFFF0015 That is the full code I apologize for not giving you the full code seem to have copied and pasted incorrectly.
2008-08-08 20:10:06 UTC
Hi MrSafe,
BFFF00 is a VISA timeout error.  If you look up the error explanation in LabVIEW, the description is "Timeout expired before operation completed." 
I noticed a GPIB address in ScreenCapture.vi, so I assume you are communicating with a GPIB instrument.  The error you mentioned seems to be coming from RSFSEx Memory Read.vi, which is a subVI of testcapture.vi. 
You may be interested in this information on <a href="http://www.ni.com/support/labview/visa/verr2.htm" target="_blank">timeout errors</a>, which suggests checking the commands being sent and <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/E4F90AD24DEC9CC786256F4300605C02?OpenDocument" target="_blank">increasing the timeout</a>.
2008-08-08 20:10:06 UTC
Thank you.

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