DLL import from "ANT" Software Development Kit
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2008-03-20 07:10:07 UTC
Dear LV-Experts! I need a little help with an external library (DLL) of the ANT-SDK (<a href="http://www.thisisant.com/index.php?section=78" target="_blank">http://www.thisisant.com</a>) concerning some issues: - What is the most recommended solution to use an imported function with another function as a parameter (callback function)?example from the header file: --&gt; ANT_AssignResponseFunctiontypedef BOOL (*RESPONSE_FUNC)(UCHAR ucANTChannel, UCHAR ucResponseMsgID); //callback function pointer__declspec(dllexport) void ANT_AssignResponseFunction(RESPONSE_FUNC pfResonse, UCHAR* pucResponseBuffer); //exported function I would like to use in LV
- Why does the DLL Import Assistant in LV 8.5 stop during the import while in LV 8.20 it seems to work?
- Is it possible to manually define data types for imported DLL functions if the assistant won't recognize them correct?
Info: the DLL I want to use is already compiled and I don't have the source code (only header file, see SDK). Therefore I can only try possible solution that wouldn't need to change the source files.Thanks in advance,Best Greetings from ViennaPhilippP.S.: I have attached the SDK as a .zip file (only 77kB)

1204731171_ANT DLL 1_1.zip:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/310176/1/1204731171_ANT DLL 1_1.zip
2008-08-13 14:10:08 UTC
So, how did it work out? &nbsp;We are also looking at using LabView for receiving data from ANT devices. Did you manage to adapt the header file and get ANT data into LabView?