2008-08-05 17:10:07 UTC
Hi, I have two questions but I didn't want to clutter the forum with multiple questions so I will post them in the same thread hope no one minds.Question #1: I have attached a VI for a analyzer where it will search for a CW and center it with a span of 7 MHz or less. What I found out is without the Delays it seems lab view runs through everything too fast? The analyzer will often miss the peak when it needs to span in. So when it does span in there is no peek just noise spanned at 7 MHz. However If I add the delays(as shown in the VI) it seems to catch the CW almost 80% of the time. I have tried changing delay times and it seems 1 second is the sweet spot. My question is how do you guys handle issuing commands to instruments which involve delays?Question#2: If I want lab view to come back to a certain point during operation how is it done? For example: Lab View is going from A to C but I need it to repeat B before going to C. Basically I want to be able to tell lab view to go back to any point of the program at any given time for whatever reason I need it to. Hopfully I haven't confused you to hell.