+Labview project
(too old to reply)
2008-08-09 01:10:05 UTC
I'm a student.  I'm trying to get this labview program to filter and amplify sound.  I have an audio file that plays through speakers into a microphone.  The audio is recorded and played in its original form.  Then it's run through a low pass and high pass filter and an amplifier(For an amp I used the waveform scale and offset).  Then the filtered amplified audio is played.  Its's doing a good job filtering the unwanted high and low frequencies but the playback over the speakers isn't amplified at all.  I have a graph of the sound before and after the amplifier and they show that the waveform is being amplified by about the ammount that I scale it but when it plays over the speakers it isn't amplified at all no matter how much I scale it by.  I want to attach my VI but I don't know how.  Please help.  Let me know if there's a way to attach my VI as this may help you to understand what I've done.  Thank you so much.
2008-08-09 03:10:08 UTC
Below the box for entering messages, there's a field labeled "Attachment" with a browse button next to the field. Click on the browse button and find the file you want to attach and select it. When you submit the post the file should be uploaded and attached to your post. Mike...
2008-08-09 03:40:05 UTC
Here is the VI and the audio sample(only 4 seconds long) I was using. (attached)  When I run from the VI, I put the mic next to the speaker so it can pick up the audio clip.  It then plays it back as is and then plays the filtered/amplified version.  The filtered/amplified version sounds filtered but not amplified even though the graph shows that the waveform is amplified.  I want to hear the voice louder.  Thank you so much for your help.
I just got a message back that says that the audio file (.wav) does not have a valid extension for an attachment (whatever that means) so I guess I'm just attaching the VI.  If there is a way to send the .wav file let me know.  Thanks
2008-08-09 03:40:06 UTC
I attached that vi but it's not appearing here and I don't know why.  I browsed, selected it hit open and it showed it in the attachments bar

work in progress3.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/348017/1/work in progress3.vi
Ravens Fan
2008-08-09 04:40:05 UTC
Your VI shows up as being attached.  As for a .wav file, that apparently is not permitted to be attached.  The way around that would be to zip it up and attach the .zip file.
2008-08-09 18:10:05 UTC
Thanks for your suggestion. I have attached the audio wav file as a zip file. I am currently at an impasse that I need to solve to make forward progress. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2008-08-12 06:40:07 UTC
Hi EducProject, I noticed the same behavior when I ran your file, so I consulted the Example Finder to see how other VIs implemented volume controls.  That's when I came across the Sound Output to Sound File.vi.  It contains a numeric slider that allows the volume to be adjusted on the fly.  The function used to perform this action is simply the Sound Output Set Volume.vi.  When I tried to modify your program to include this VI, however, I realized that I did not have the task ID for input.  Thus, I right-clicked on the Play Waveform Express VI and selected "Open Front Panel."  With that complete, I dove into the background code until I found where the sound device is actually configured (Sound Output Write Simple.vi).  After modifying this VI to include a volume input, I was able to adjust the volume.  Please give the attached code a shot and let me know your results (requires slight modification to play the .wav file).  Goodnight!

2008-08-13 01:10:06 UTC
I'm working with EducProject. We've been working on our project(thank you very much Pakman your help has been invaluable) and have been running into a new problem (I've attached the most recent VI).  The computer seems to generate its own internal noise that is being processed through even when there is no sound file playing or microphone on.  I've been attempting to use a band stop to get rid of this noise, but it doesn't work.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2008-08-14 14:40:08 UTC
Discussion has apparently moved <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;thread.id=348327" target="_blank">here</a>.