2008-08-07 13:40:09 UTC
Hello, When jumping between different versions of LabVIEW (6.1, 7.1, 8.5) it is annoying that the current path for one becomes the current path for the other. If I am working with LV 7.1 in a folder dedicated to 7.1 VI's, and then open LV 8.5, I don't want 8.5 to go to that 7.1 folder by default. Alternately. if I was working in LV 8.5, closed it out, and then I click on a 7.1 VI, I don't want it to open in LV 8.5. I've tried changing the path options in each version of LabVIEW, but that doesn't seem to help. Is there any way of isolating these folder paths from one another? One of our newer LV guys accidently opened some 7.1 code in 8.5.1 and then saved it. Luckily, I had archived code to return to, but it could have been a disaster.Thanks for any ideas,McSynth