Hello Mike,
Thank you for contacting National Instruments! I have seen issues
similar to this a few times in the past. Usually the best way to get
around memory issues with TDMS files would be to try reading in your TDMS files
in segments. There should be a section in the Read from Measurement File
express VI that you can specify how many samples you wish to pull from the TDMS
Another option would be to bypass the Read from Measurement File and create
a program that is similar to what is seen in <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/D670CABD5548BBBC8625748A00529190?OpenDocument" target="_blank">this
knowledgebase article</a>. You can place the specific TDMS file VIs and
break it up using the count and offset to avoid the out of memory error.
That knowledgebase article is not specific to the memory error but shows that
when implementing a solution to open the TDMS files in different subsets you
can sometimes run into an error.
Please try some of these methods and verify they will work for your
solution. Reply to this post if you are still having issues when trying
to implement these solutions. At that time please include more specific
details about the error, such as the error number (if there is one) and exact
wording of the error description. With that information I will be able to
further determine the reason for the error. I hope this information
helps! Have a great weekend!!