Read CRio analog input via MAX
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2008-07-04 14:10:05 UTC
On CRio runs PID, we have our Labview SW for measurement with PCI card. I would like to acquisite CRio Analog inputs via LAN and MAX to Labview SW. Is it possible to see CRio Analog channel in max?  
2008-07-06 14:10:06 UTC
Dear PaveIP, Communicating with cRIO Modules require an FPGA personality, actually an FPGA VI, that MAX cannot provide.The main reason is that your FPGA vi is supposed to be running on the target and wouldn't be nice if MAX stops your application to read out an Analog Input.Anyway your issue shoudn't be too difficult to overcome,  you can check an example in Labview suitable to your pourposes and  produce an exe from it.You won't be able to read data in max but you'll have an easy to use exe that provides the same functionality.Best Regards
2008-08-14 20:40:08 UTC
Hi PaveIP,&nbsp;Using the new distributed system manager and LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6, you can remotely monitor your cRIO I/O values without doing any programming on RT or FPGA.&nbsp;You can check it out here:<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7338" target="_blank">Using NI CompactRIO Scan Mode with NI LabVIEW Software</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;-Kurt