Controlling Gif aninimation
(too old to reply)
2008-08-07 09:10:14 UTC
I want to make simple animation and be able to stop it and run it by demandI try to add gif into simple vi using Activex container (like i seen arlier at the forum) i dwonload from http://www.jcomsoft.com/anigif.htm (ocx gif controller)install it into Activex container(rigth click ->selecting "from fille" and pressing on ocx file)According to instruction-> press right click onto Activex Container ->properties->selecting the gif fille- but there is no mention about selecting any files?!?!Mybe i was wrong mybe i forgetting something i don't knowThank's any help eyal 

Anu Kalidas
2008-08-07 12:40:12 UTC
If you want to show/hide a gif image, you can change the image of a control (by customizing the control) and make it visible of invisible. See attached VI. See <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=35101&amp;query.id=75331#M35101" target="_blank">link</a> to know how to customize a Boolean control.

2008-08-07 13:10:07 UTC
I never found a method to CONTROL gif's.
In <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=BreakPoint&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;message.id=4672#M4672" target="_blank">post #94 of this thread </a>I posted some code that was a community project to allow easy inclusion of emoticons into forum postings. It has a an Import function that lets you grab images from gif's and adds them to a palette from which you can choose your emoticon. You may wat to review that thread for the code and the associated instructions since I beleive some of the techniques I used in that code code be of use to you.
Take a look at the code that does the Import.
<img src="Loading Image...">
Take care,
BenMessage Edited by Ben on 08-07-2008 07:51 AM
