Strange number from pxi 6608
(too old to reply)
2008-08-06 15:10:10 UTC
We are using the PXI 6608 card with a six channel system
involving counters. When we run the program we get a very large count,
somewhere around 40million, and it the same number every time. The problem is
that there is no way that can be a real count. We do get other counts that seem
to be actual data but every couple of cycles this large number occurs .Our
counters our connected to a kill switch, programmed in LabVIEW that will cut
the power to the counters if they reach the maximum number of counts we have
set. We know the kill switch is working because we have measured counts that
cut the power. However, when this large number comes up nothing happens and the
counters remain on and our limit is set far below 40million. Has anyone seen
this or other instances like it?
2008-08-06 16:10:12 UTC
At the moment I am not sure why your problem is occuring but am happy to look into the matter for you when I have a bit more information.

- What version of LabVIEW are you using?

- How is the PXI system set up?  For example are you connecting remotely from a host PC using LabVIEW realtime or are you booting the system into windows?

- Would you be able to provide an example VI and any project files that demonstrate the problem?

Tom ClarkMessage Edited by ThomasC on 08-06-2008 11:01 AM
2008-08-06 16:40:05 UTC
We are using labview 8.0. As far as posting the entire Vi that is a little difficult as it is filled with sub vis, but I can post the SubVI where I  think the number is originating. Thanks again

Setup Counters for Initialize.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/347158/1/Setup Counters for Initialize.vi
2008-08-07 09:40:09 UTC
Would you be able to post any further VIs that are needed to read the data along with the code that links them together to acquire data from your PXI-6608 card.   I don't need all of your code but I will need a little more so that I can re-create the PXI side of your system and see the problem you are getting.  Rather than me writing some code to read the data it would be beneficial if I could use yours as it's uncertain where the error is coming from.
Thanks for your patience,
Tom Clark
