How to setup USB 6009 default level
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2008-08-08 02:10:07 UTC
I want to use NI USB 6009 digital port  to control an external relay, but when i turn on the computer or connect this device with computer, the digital port will be high level and the external relay will on.
How can I setup the default value of digital port to low level when i turn on my computer or connect the card to my computer? 
2008-08-08 13:10:08 UTC
From the USB-6008-9 User Guide: "At system startup and reset, the hardware sets all DIO lines to high-impedance inputs. The DAQ device does not drive the signal high orlow. Each line has a weak pull-up resistor connected to it." Page 18.On page 17 it shows and the specifications on page 21 list a 4700 ohm resistor to +5 V.Is this enough to turn on your relay?The USB 6009 does not have the capability to program startup modes. Some of the more expensive devices do have this capability.Lynn
2008-08-11 01:10:04 UTC
OH, my god.
How can i do then?
change another card?
2008-08-12 20:10:05 UTC
Computer problems. I have not been able to get to the Forum. Some boards do have programmable power on states. I do not know from memory which ones those are.Other things you might try: Configure your relay so that the line must be pulled to ground to energize the relay. connect the positive end of the coil to +5 volts and the negative end to the Digital Out.OR add a transistor inverter between the Digital Out and the coil. Configure the circuit so that the internal pull up of the 6009 keeps the transistor off so the relay is off.Lynn
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