Strange behavior in IE status bar when using Web Publishing Tool (LV 8.5.1)
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2008-07-29 20:40:09 UTC
I created a web page with a LV panel using the Web Publishing Tool (LV 8.5.1). It works great.
But I realized that my browser (Internet Explorer) displays continually several messages at the windows status bar:
Downloading pictures <a href="http://myip/.snap" target="_blank">http://myIP/.snap</a>?.....
Is there a way to hide this useless information?
I know that this is a normal behavior of the IE status bar&nbsp;but it seems so weird and uncontrolled when used to display a LV panel.
Has anybody an idea?
Thanks in advance.
2008-07-30 16:40:09 UTC
How about hiding the status bar?
I think the snap option simply adds a refresh tag to the page, so the operation is controlled entirely by how IE decides to do it. You should check to make sure that's true, however.
You could use the control option, but that requires using an ActiveX control and installing the LabVIEW run-time engine.
2008-07-30 17:40:09 UTC
Hi tst, thank you for your reply.
I could hide the status bar in my computer but the behavior still happens in other client computers..
I&nbsp;am trying to include a javascript code to control messages displayed in Internet Explorer status bar. Something like this:
&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Draft//EN"&gt;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;HEAD&gt;&lt;TITLE&gt;Message1&lt;/TITLE&gt;&lt;script language="javascript"&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!-- &nbsp;&nbsp; LVImages = new Array();&nbsp;&nbsp; LVSrcs = new Array();&nbsp;&nbsp; function LVSched(image, delay) {&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LVImages[LVImages.length] = image;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LVSrcs[LVSrcs.length] = image.src;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; setInterval("LVUpdate("+(LVImages.length-1)+")", delay);&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; image.onload='';&nbsp;&nbsp; }&nbsp;&nbsp; function LVUpdate(index) {&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LVImages[index].src=LVSrcs[index] + '&amp;' + Math.random();&nbsp;&nbsp; }&nbsp;&nbsp; //--&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;function load(){ window.status="Message2"} &lt;/script&gt;&lt;!-- FIM --&gt;
&lt;/HEAD&gt;&lt;body onload="load()"&gt;&lt;BODY &gt;
&lt;H1&gt;Message3&lt;/H1&gt;Message4&lt;P&gt;&lt;IMG src="/.snap?Test.vi" alt="Test" BORDER=1 onload="LVSched(this, 1)"&gt;&lt;P&gt;Message5&lt;/BODY&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;
But those Download information still display.
2008-07-30 18:40:11 UTC
I don't really know HTML or Javascript and I have zero practical experience with the remote panel feature, so I can't really help. The only thing I can suggest is that you repeatedly&nbsp;perform a capture of the panel on your own (using the VI.Get Panel Image method) and save that to a known location, which you can then serve as an image. I have done this in the past, but only as a quick experiment.
2008-08-06 17:10:10 UTC
Hi tst,
I found a way to minimize my problem. In the line:
&lt;IMG src="/.snap?Test.vi" alt="Test" BORDER=1 onload="LVSched(this, 1)"&gt;
The second parameter of the function LVSched shall be filled with a integer number in miliseconds. So, I changed 1 to 1000 ms = 1second.
It is working better now!
