read jpg on cRIO
(too old to reply)
2008-08-07 22:10:06 UTC
Hi, I am trying to do a very simple test to read in a jpg file on cRIO, but I am getting an error saying "invalid input path, one or more of your input path character is not recognized by the OS such as @ or ?..."
This simple read JPG file block works fine on my local hard drive, but it just won't work on the cRIO. The path name to the cRIO jpg is C:\comets\paul.jpg, which has no special characters on the path name. Not sure why it wouldn't work on cRIO. I am suspecting that the cRIO can actually receive the image, but can't transfer the image back to my laptop for display. I am currently deploying the VIs(from my laptop) to the cRIO.
Thanks for the help.
David Z
2008-08-11 08:10:07 UTC
Hey David,
I assume you are using 9012 or 9014 controller. They have VXWorks as OS which is using UNIX file path syntax. So in your case: /c/comets/paul.jpg
2008-08-11 18:40:06 UTC
Actually my cRIO controller is 9004, is this also VXWorks OS?
2008-08-12 22:10:07 UTC
Hello David, The cRIO 9004 controller runs the Pharlab (ETS) OS.&nbsp; You should be able to reference the file path similar to your first post.&nbsp; Here is a <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/BBCAD1AB08F1B6BB8625741F0082C2AF?OpenDocument" target="_blank">knowledgebase article</a> on referencing a file path on a Real-Time system.&nbsp; I am wondering if the simple read JPG file block may not be supported on the Real-Time OS.&nbsp; Within the LabVIEW Real-Time Help there is a list of unsupported features for an ETS Real-Time OS and Graphics &amp; Sound VIs are on that list.&nbsp; I also tried to run an example program that used the Read JPEG File.VI and it works correctly on my computer but when I move the JPEG over to the Real Time Target I do not get the same error that you receive but the output of the image data is all 0's.&nbsp; Can you give me more information of what exactly you are trying to do so that we can try to advise you some way around this issue?&nbsp; Is it possible that you could transfer the JPEG file to your computer and then execute this portion of the code on your Host computer?&nbsp; Any extra details about your program will help me determine the best plan of action at this point.