I2C is a bit different than your COM port communication.
It uses a clock and data line. The clock frequency has to be within the spec of the particular device / mfg. You will find the protocol on the data sheet for the device, which means any headers, memory locations, registers, etc depending on the type of device. There are many devices, such as temperature sensors, SEEPROM, etc. From the hardware side, you may also need to set the ID of the device, which is usually 3 pins that you tie to Vcc or Gnd. If it is a memory device, you may need to index which block you are writing to.
I've only written firmware for I2C devices using VxWorks. The clock was provided by the card. The FPGA also provided the interface for the data, so the SW just wrote to it.
Now, to describe how to do this using LabVIEW would require that you provide more details about the interface. Does your USB to I2C provide the clock for you? it probably does. If it is a product that you purchased, it must come with an API or some explanation on how to communicate with the I2C device. What does it say that you need to do in order to communicate with it? Once you tell us this, we might be able to suggest how to proceed with LabVIEW.