2008-08-01 17:10:06 UTC
I have two sensors that output data and to be able to easily see their relation to one another I want to plot them both on the same 3D curve. So far all I've managed to do is get the graphs to constantly overwrite each other. I've been looking around and haven't seen any references to a problem like this. I know LabVIEW isn't really meant for creating complex 3D plots, is plotting two sets of data like this possible using LabVIEW? ** Attached is the log reading VI to plot the data, and a copy of a log file. The only thing I've found so far that will get the two sets into one graph is to wire both of the 3D curve blocks to one control, but all it does is have them overwrite each other constantly. Also, LabVIEW saves the log file as a generic file with no association so I manually added the .xls extension to it and it works for me. But, if it won't work just clip the .xls off and it should work.Thanks in advance!
3D Graph Read Log Graph Read Log
Copy of XYZtimestamp.xls: of XYZtimestamp.xls
3D Graph Read Log Graph Read Log
Copy of XYZtimestamp.xls: of XYZtimestamp.xls