th3800 download program to file
(too old to reply)
Steve Block
2008-08-14 18:10:05 UTC
The drivers for the th3800 has a function called TH3800 Load Program From File.vi. Is there a way to download one of these files from a program already in the memory of one of these chambers? If not, would anyone have any example files. The help section of the driver lists the format, but it doesn't contain enough information for me to generate a file. Thanks.
2008-08-15 22:40:23 UTC
The file format should be defined in the instrument's user manual. Likewise, if there's a command to download a program from the instrument's memory it should be in there. Do you have the manual?
Steve Block
2008-08-15 23:10:05 UTC
I do. There is no command.

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