Thanks again. I'll try that.BTW, I just spoke with out rep from Daytronic Corp. who was testing the comm cards with his System 10 and PC. They worked fine for him. The only difference is that he is using LabVIEW 7.0 and we are using 8.5.1. They don't have any subVIs written for the newer LV versions. That may be the cause the the issue we're having with using the comm cards to access the DAQ. They do not have the time or money to update their subVIs for the newer LV versions, but I'd have to think that there is a way to change them myself to make them work. Ideally, I want to use a modified version of the app I'm using on another PC without having to bother with the network to pass the data. I already have a cable made to connect the other PC to the System 10.I almost forgot something.... I found a version 8 System 10 subVI package using the NI search, but it didn't work either.Do you know what might have changed in the newer LV versions that could cause this issue? I've attached a zip file of their subVIs. Like I mentioned earlier, LV works fine using the main (built-in) comm port on the System 10 DAQ. It's just the additional cards that do not work correctly. They seem to establish the comm link OK, but the binary data that the System 10 sends is not interpreted and displayed correctly. It's usually all gibberish on the screen.Of the Daytronic subVIs, the subVI that I use to test with is the "", which is used for binary data.The "simple terminal" subVI works fine, but I can't use it to test the data link since it's configured differently.When I use the main System 10 comm port, the simple terminal doens't work and the does. Why wouldn't it work with the other ports/cards?Could you please check these out when you have the time and see if you can find something that isn't configured correctly? I may be overlooking something obvious, since I'm still learning LV.ThanksMessage Edited by tmunsell on 07-28-2008 09:18 PM