Streeming video between two computers on Internet
(too old to reply)
2008-08-08 03:40:06 UTC
I want to send MPEG video by internet between two computers. What I have been doing till now is compress each frame using Imaq flatten to JPEG but is it possible to send those frames by  MPEG format and then reproduce in the other end. IMAQ AVI Write Frame can save the fames in mpeg format (using compression codec) but how to send it through internet.
2008-08-08 07:40:06 UTC
Hi aman_bajra,
you can use the TCP/IP functions to send your data. You can send every binary information you want.
Hope it helps.Mike
2008-08-08 08:40:05 UTC
Hi Aman,
There is another thread running at the moment about streaming video over the internet <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&amp;message.id=347593#M347593" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; I would suggest having a read of the <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/2E60AF970E49531586256A8C0051332C?OpenDocument" target="_blank">KB</a> article regarding selecting the best method to stream the video.
Hope that helps,
2008-08-08 08:40:07 UTC
Thanks for your reply. I have been using IMAQ flatten to string and using that input to TCP Write.vi. It works only on&nbsp;each frame so is actually transmistting frame by frame. I want to use MPEG instead. I used "Indeo® video 5.10 Compression Filter" in IMAQ AVI create.vi then save the file using IMAQ AVI&nbsp;Write Frame&nbsp;. However it saves to file. Now what do you suggest me to send this output to TCP/IP.
2008-08-08 10:10:07 UTC
Hi Aman,
We don't actually support streaming video using the&nbsp;MPEG file format.&nbsp; To stream the image as an AVI&nbsp;you will need to use one of the methods suggested in the other thread I linked too in my first post although if you are interested in speed I would suggest using TCP, this can be implemented using the examples in LabVIEW (Example finder&gt;&gt;Network&gt;&gt;TCP&amp;UDP).&nbsp; This <a href="http://sine.ni.com/apps/we/niepd_web_display.display_epd4?p_guid=B45EACE3E42556A4E034080020E74861&amp;p_node=DZ52509&amp;p_source=External" target="_blank">KB</a> has some information about speeding up your image transfer time over the network so you can get the best frame rate possible.&nbsp;
Sorry the MPEG isn't possible but hopefully one of the other options will provide you with a solution, if you have any further problems implementing these solutions please just post back.
