2008-08-11 20:10:05 UTC
Hi all,For those of you who attended NI Week 2008 last week, I hope you all had a great time! During my presentation on Thursday, I offhandedly mentioned a VI I wrote, and everybody in the room said they wanted it, so here it is. Place this VI somewhere on disk where you'll remember you have it. If you ever get in a situation where you have a modal VI that is running, and is in a state where you can't abort it, this VI should come in handy. Navigate to this VI (attached below) in your file system and double-click on it. The VI will launch (and will appear on top of your other modal VI), and you can select the offending modal VI in the ring and abort it:<img src="Loading Image...
"> Prior to writing this VI, I always had to resort to killing the LabVIEW.exe process and starting over...a massive headache if I had a bunch of VIs and probes open while debugging. Anyway, I hope this VI comes in handy for some of you. It works in LabVIEW 8.0 and later. Unfortunately, since I'm using some private functionality to get information about VIs in memory, this VI is password-protected.-DP.S. - Check out past nuggets <a href="message?board.id=BreakPoint&message.id=1669" target="_blank"> here</a>. Message Edited by Darren on 08-11-2008 02:46 PM
Abort VI.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/348423/1/Abort VI.vi
Abort VI.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/348423/1/Abort VI.vi