DAQmx Error: -200428
(too old to reply)
2008-05-26 07:10:07 UTC

I need help please, with a small problem, I'm working with NIDAQmx Base, and I develop a simple acquisition program with the USB6008, and the program on my PC runs properly, but now that I have my PDA  I get the error -200428, how do I to resolve it?, I doubt where the PDA will take the task I need for my acquisition. To be more clear, how do i create a task on my PDA to define the acquisition channels?
I appreciate any help that you could provide me.
2008-05-26 15:40:05 UTC
2008-05-27 00:10:07 UTC
I have already installed the driver NiDAQmx Base on the PDA, but still shows the same error, please someone who can help me? any suggestions? it is urgent for me...Please ..
2008-05-27 16:40:05 UTC
help here:smileyindifferent:........................................
2008-05-28 22:40:08 UTC
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2008-05-28 23:40:05 UTC
Hi Nathan,
I understand your explanation and thank you, but I think that the problem could be the drivers because it is assumed that my pda have Host capabilities, I attached file of the specifications, if you can give it a look please. Furthermore in this file indicates that the PDA suports devices to 100mA.  I have trying the host capabilities of my PDA's USB with pendrives (USB hard drive) and it  has accepts it, i could read the data. I t is dificult to know exactly why happen this error to me. I will keep trying to solve it. 
I appreciate your time and I hope not to bother much.
Thanks a lot. Greetings

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2008-05-30 18:10:08 UTC
Hi Teresa,
It seems like there might not be enough power for the USB. That's why it's not detecting it being plugged in.Can you try using an externally powered USB hub?
This should provide enough power to connect to the device.
Hopefully this helps!!
2008-06-03 05:10:08 UTC
Hi Aashish,
Thanks a lot for your response, and I apologize for the delay in responding.

I am sad and concerned about your answer, and that for me was a very bad news :smileysad:. I will try to prove it with an external supply voltage. But I would like that this was not the reason because what I'm looking for is the greater portability.. In the previous message Nathan said that with 80mA would be sufficient, and I do not understand because in the specifications of the Fujitsu said that the PDA can with devices up to 100mA.

Anyway thanks for your advice. And I inform you of the results.
A greeting, thank you.
2008-05-27 18:40:09 UTC
Hi Teresa,

On a pda target you cannot use the DAQmxbase
Create Task or Create Channel VI. In order to setup your data acquisition task
you must use the NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility. This utility can be
found in LabVIEW under Tools >> NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility.
You can create your PDA DAQ Tasks in this utility. Some more information on
this can be found in the KnowledgeBase article, <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/035979F1F5D76552862570C7007937AB?OpenDocument" target="_blank">NI-DAQmx
Base Task Configuration Utility Does Not Show PDA DAQ Device</a>. Once you have
your tasks setup &nbsp; in the utility you can reference
them by wiring a string constant with the name of the task &nbsp;into the task/channels in terminal of the
DAQmxbase Start Task VI. Please let me know if you have any questions.

2008-05-28 02:10:07 UTC
Dear Nathan
Thanks for your time answering my questions. I&nbsp;have follow&nbsp;your instructions. However when I connect the usb6008&nbsp;on my PDA(fujitsu siemens loox 830)&nbsp; and run the aquisition program, it shows me the error: Visa GetProperties Error code:&nbsp;-1073807343. Furthermore another&nbsp;question,&nbsp; why when i connect the USB6008 on my PDA, the led´s card&nbsp;blinks faster and weaker than the PC?&nbsp;is it&nbsp;normal?.
I hope&nbsp;you can help me..Thanks a lot...
2017-08-12 06:35:12 UTC
Post by teresadmij
I need help please, with a small problem, I'm working with NIDAQmx Base, and I develop a simple acquisition program with the USB6008, and the program on my PC runs properly, but now that&nbsp;I have my PDA &nbsp;I get the error -200428, how do I to resolve it?, I doubt where the PDA will take the task I need for my acquisition. To be more clear, how do i create&nbsp;a task on my PDA to define the acquisition channels?
I appreciate any help that you could provide me.