Event - value change, not triggered by indicator
(too old to reply)
2008-08-12 17:10:08 UTC
I have a sub vi that is supposed to detect when a new com port becomes active, however it is not supposed to run everytime, only when the number of com  ports change. That part is figured out.I am using an event structure to determine when it runsI desire the event to be run when length of the com port name array changes (i.e. when a new device is added, or removed).  I attached a value change event to the array that list all the com ports (visa find output)However, from what I can tell, events are only triggered by controls(inputs), not by indicators(outputs)Anybody know why? or how to make it work in this fashion?Addendum: Can the event be inside of the sub VI or does it have to be in the VI?

visa probe ports (SubVI).vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/170/348722/1/visa probe ports (SubVI).vi
2008-08-12 17:10:09 UTC
The return count is the desired event trigger for variable change
2008-08-12 17:40:08 UTC
Hi crewex,the attached vi doesn't has any event structure on the block diagram... So what are you talking about?Only controls can trigger events. Indicators are controlled by the vi: you already know what happens, so there is no reason to trigger an event (in general :smileywink:)... And events are NOT triggered by writing to a terminal or to a local variable!But: you can force an event by writing to a "value.signaling" property node of a control! Or you create a user defined event...Message Edited by GerdW on 08-12-2008 07:21 PM
2008-08-12 17:40:09 UTC
Thank you, the value.signaling node was the key How do you thank people individually in this forum?
2008-08-12 18:10:05 UTC
crewex wrote:Thank you, the value.signaling node was the key

The behavior is also different in that the event will trigger with every value(sgnl) call, even if the new value is the same asn the old.
It seems you only want to trigger the event if the result is different to the previous result. Easiest would be to use a shift register, compare old and new, and place the code in a case structure that only runs the relevant code if new and old differ (no event structure needed).
If you still want to use an event structure, place a case structure inside it, compare old and new from the event terminal, and execute the empty frame if they are the same.
2008-08-15 15:16:22 UTC
Post by crewex
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