Array question
(too old to reply)
2009-07-28 21:50:10 UTC
I have a 1X2X2 dimension array and I need to convert it to a 2X2
matrix. The array to matrix thing won't work as the arrays are of the
wrong dimension. How do I equalise them? I tried delete subset array
etc and no luck.

2009-07-30 23:14:31 UTC
Post by HardySpicer
I have a 1X2X2 dimension array and I need to convert it to a 2X2
matrix. The array to matrix thing won't work as the arrays are of the
wrong dimension. How do I equalise them? I tried delete subset array
etc and no luck.
This newsgroup isn't really active.
forums.ni.com is a better place to post these questions.

I presume you want to do this pro grammatically in Labivew. One thing that you could do is just to index into the array, addressing the first indice "1". This will result in a 2x2 double array (matrix).
Dan Brzozowski
2009-08-09 22:28:38 UTC
Post by HardySpicer
I have a 1X2X2 dimension array and I need to convert it to a 2X2
matrix. The array to matrix thing won't work as the arrays are of the
wrong dimension. How do I equalise them? I tried delete subset array
etc and no luck.
try "reshape array"

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